What is Gen Z’s industry?
The youngest members of Gen Z are moving away from traditional technology users in favor of new market segments. With 90 million members, Gen Z is much larger than the generation before it – a key statistic for recruiting in growth-oriented organizations. Why is the youngest generation rethinking the most attractive areas of work, and avoiding technology? And which companies or companies have attracted the most interest of the younger generation in the field of work?
Gen Z values and user desires
Tech companies are low on Gen Z aspirations, according to a survey of more than 10,000 respondents conducted by the National Society of High School Scholars. According to the survey, Gen Z seeks alignment with core values. When looking at employers, the top reasons for Gen Z are:
- fair treatment of workers (28%)
- work-life balance (25%)
- social responsibility (14%).
In addition to health benefits (the top category with 72% awareness), Gen Z also values their personal time, with leisure time (63%) and work schedules (61%) ) as the most valuable compensation and benefits. They also track career progression and look for employers who will invest in them, with professional development opportunities (86%) and a clear path to promotion (44%) as experience. most wanted jobs. In fact, these values may or may not exist in large technology companies. And this study, while showing a large sample size, does not claim to speak for an entire generation, industry, or employer. Surveys measure perception, and for tech companies looking to hire Gen Z: perception is reality.
The COVID-19 pandemic may have had the effect of changing your career choices and intentions, for Gen Z. If you were asked, what issues are important to you, in your career? 32% of those who responded to the survey said that "health care and health-related problems" – the highest response.
Participants are generally negative about the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and only 41% believe that AI will have more positive than negative effects on society within ten years. following. Perhaps this sentiment surrounding AI, the poster child of technological progress, has ruined Gen Z for tech jobs?
Technical safety from health care
Gen Z prefers to work for large companies over small/family businesses, according to the report. But interest in medical careers and health care remains high. Instead of envying well-known companies such as Meta, Netflix, IBM or Cisco, Gen Z has set its sights on hospitals and healthcare as the preferred employer.
In this light, the Hospital of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital ranks first. The Mayo Clinic is number two, and working for local hospitals comes in at number four in the survey. Google comes in at number 7, down from number one in 2017. Amazon is back at number eight, followed by Apple and the Walt Disney Company rounding out the top 10.
Finding opportunities and investments, for Gen Z
Opportunities in medicine remain strong. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital work has seen a significant reduction – offering potential opportunities for medically trained staff. The World Health Organization estimates a global shortage of 10 million healthcare workers by 2030. According to the American Hospital Association, the number of hospital workers has decreased by nearly 94,000 since of February 2020, including a drop of over 8,000 between August 2021 and September 2021 alone. While it can be argued that infection is a major driver of these numbers, attrition can also be attributed to low job satisfaction, burnout and other factors that may surprise Gen applicants. Z in the field of medicine. However, the market for health services (and the health care workforce) still puts pressure on young workers.
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